
Color Themes

% *****************************************
% >>>> 16.1    Color Themes
% *****************************************
% \usecolortheme{default}
% \usecolortheme{structure}
% \usecolortheme{sidebartab}

Complete Color Themes

% *****************************************
% >>>> 16.1.2    Complete Color Themes
% A 'complete' color theme is a color theme that completely specifies all colors for all parts of a frame. It
% installs specific colors and does not derive the colors from, say, the structure beamer-color. Complete
% color themes happen to have names of flying animals.
% -------------------------------
% \usecolortheme{default}
% -------------------------------
% 	named=red,
% 	named=blue,
% 	named=green,
% 	named=orange,
% 	named=gray,
%  named=RoyalBlue,
%  named=MidnightBlue,
%  named=CadetBlue,
% Farben aus dvipsnam.def: (Option 'dvipsnames' fuer xcolor muss geladen sein!)
% GreenYellow, Yellow, Goldenrod, Dandelion, Apricot, Peach, Melon, YellowOrange, Orange, BurntOrange, Bittersweet, RedOrange, Mahogany, Maroon, BrickRed, Red, OrangeRed, RubineRed, WildStrawberry, Salmon, CarnationPink, Magenta, VioletRed, Rhodamine, Mulberry, RedViolet, Fuchsia, Lavender, , Thistle, Orchid, DarkOrchid, Purple, Plum, Violet, RoyalPurple, BlueViolet, Periwinkle, CadetBlue, CornflowerBlue, MidnightBlue, NavyBlue, RoyalBlue, Blue, Cerulean, Cyan, ProcessBlue, , SkyBlue, Turquoise, TealBlue, Aquamarine, BlueGreen, Emerald, JungleGreen, SeaGreen, Greenv,  ForestGreen, PineGreen, LimeGreen, YellowGreen, SpringGreen, OliveGreen, RawSienna, Sepia, Brown, Tan, Gray, Black, White
% -------------------------------
% % blau-schwarz, Hintergrund: blau
% \usecolortheme[%
% %  	overlystylish
% ]{albatross}
% -------------------------------
% % blau-schwarz, Hintergrund: weiss
% \usecolortheme{lily}
% -------------------------------
% % blau-grau, , Hintergrund: grau
% \usecolortheme{beetle}
% -------------------------------
% % gelb-weiss, , Hintergrund: weiss
% \usecolortheme{crane}
% -------------------------------
% grau-grau (hell)
% \usecolortheme{dove}
% -------------------------------
% % grau-grau (dunkel)
% \usecolortheme{fly}
% -------------------------------
% % grau-grau-weiss (hell) mit Boxen
% \usecolortheme{seagull}
% -------------------------------
% % gelb-orange-grau
% \usecolortheme{wolverine}
% -------------------------------
% % grau
% \usecolortheme{beaver}

nach oben

Inner Color Themes

% *****************************************
% >>>> 16.1.3    Inner Color Themes
% Inner color themes only specify the colors of elements used in inner themes. Most noticably, they specify
% the colors used for blocks. They can be used together with other (color) themes. If they are used to change
% the inner colors installed by a presentation theme or another color theme, they should obviously be specified
% after the other theme has been loaded. Inner color themes happen to have fl‚ower names.
% -------------------------------
% \usecolortheme{lily} % keine Boxen
% -------------------------------
% \usecolortheme{orchid} % Boxen mit starken Farben
% -------------------------------
% \usecolortheme{rose} % Boxen mit schwachen Farben

nach oben

Outer Color Themes

% *****************************************
% >>>> 16.1.4    Outer Color Themes
% An outer color theme changes the palette colors, on which the colors used in the headline, footline, and
% sidebar are based by default. Outer color themes normally do not change the color of inner elements, except
% possibly for titlelike. They have happen to sea-animal names.
% -------------------------------
% % Titel mit Farbe, starke Farben
% \usecolortheme{whale}
% -------------------------------
% % Titel mit Farbe, schwache Farben
% \usecolortheme{seahorse}
% -------------------------------
% % Titel ohne Farbe, starke Farben
% \usecolortheme{dolphin}

nach oben

Detailierte Veränderungen der Farben

% *****************************************
% Detailierte Veraenderungen der Farben
% *****************************************
% \setbeamercolor*{author in head/foot}{parent=palette tertiary}
% \setbeamercolor*{title in head/foot}{parent=palette secondary}
% \setbeamercolor*{date in head/foot}{parent=palette primary}
% \setbeamercolor*{section in head/foot}{parent=palette secondary} %tertiary
% \setbeamercolor*{subsection in head/foot}{parent=palette primary}
% Elemente deren Farbe veraendert werden kann
% \setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=black}
% \setbeamercolor*{example text}
% \setbeamercolor*{titlelike}
% \setbeamercolor*{separation line}
% \setbeamercolor*{upper separation line head}
% \setbeamercolor*{separation line}
% \setbeamercolor*{middle separation line head}
% \setbeamercolor*{separation line}
% \setbeamercolor*{lower separation line head}
% \setbeamercolor*{upper separation line foot}
% \setbeamercolor*{middle separation line foot}
% \setbeamercolor*{lower separation line foot}
% -------------------------------
% \setbeamercolor*{math text}
% \setbeamercolor*{math text inlined}
% \setbeamercolor*{math text displayed}
% \setbeamercolor*{normal text in math text}
% -------------------------------
% Nutzung:
% \usebeamercolor[fg]{normal text}
% \setbeamercolor{normal text}{fg=black,bg=mylightgrey}
% -------------------------------
% Palette:
% \setbeamercolor{palette primary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette secondary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette tertiary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette quaternary}
% -------------------------------
% \setbeamercolor{palette sidebar primary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette sidebar secondary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette sidebar tertiary}
% \setbeamercolor{palette sidebar quaternary}

Transparenz Effekte

% *****************************************
% Transparenz Effekte
% *****************************************
\setbeamercovered{invisible} % is the default and causes covered text to 'completely disappear.
% \setbeamercovered{transparent} % Durchscheinen des Textes
% \setbeamercovered{dynamic} % Einblenden
% \setbeamercovered{highly dynamic} % Einblenden

nach oben