Baumblüten im Frühling (2020-03-22)
Blüten der Blutpflaume (Prunus cerasifera) und einer Zierkirsche.
Tulips in Berggarten Hannover (April 2019)
Photos shot with Sony A6300 and Sony 18-135 zoom-lens in Berggarten Hannover in April. This lens is not a macro lens and has no fast aperture. Thus the bokeh is a bit too harsh and the background not blurred out. Still with maximum focal length and closest distance...
Berggarten Hannover (October 2018)
Photos shot with Nikon D5100 and Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro lens in Berggarten Hannover in Oktober. Very few flowers were still in full blossom. Mainly aster and gras.
Astern und Diamantgras im Garten (Oktober 2018)
In the garden we have several flowers that blossom in the autumn. The Aster (Aster novae-angliae) and diamant gras (Calamagrostis brachytricha). Here are pictures of both, this time taken with my new Sony A6300 with the Sigma 30mm F2,8 DN. None of them are macros,...
Fokusstacking with blue ball thistle (Echinops ritro)
Photos shot with Nikon D5100 and Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro lens in my garden in July 2018. The focus depth is much too shallow to capture the whole thistle at once. Therefore I tried focus stacking. The focus was manually changed slightly, while...
Tulips and spring flowers in Berggarten Hannover (04/2018)
Appeltree blossum (04/2018)
Appeltree blossum in my garden.
Aster novae-angliae ‘Andenken an Paul Gerber’ in my garden (10/2017)
Aster with 140 cm height. Photos shot with Nikon D5100 and Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro lens in my garden.
Sunflower with bees
Poppy flowers (Mohnblumen)
Field of flowers near the village Nisdorf between Zingst and Stralsund