von pospiech | Jan. 28, 2010 | Qt
There are many usefull Qt plugins, such as qwt, qextserialport, qxt and others. With a new major version of Qt, or a new version of a compiler I have to recompile the plugins to make sure everything is working well together. However many plugins are not compilable...
von pospiech | Jan. 21, 2010 | C++, Qt
I am trying to set up the Windows SDK environment for compilation of an other C++ project (Qt phonon library). However the script seems to be totally broken. It does not work and destroys the path variable. This is what the path looks like before anything is called:...
von pospiech | Juni 25, 2009 | C++
A list of recommended books A Survey of Computational PhysicsRubin H. Landau, Manuel José and Cristian C. BordeianuLanguage: Java An Introduction into Computational Physics (2nd edition)Tao PangLanguage: Java Introductory Computational PhysicsAndi Klein and Alexander...
von pospiech | Jan. 3, 2009 | C++, Qt
QScienceSpinBox Since I started using Qt over a year ago I have been asking and looking for a Qt widget that can handle numbers in a scientific notation. Unfortunately Qt Software does not offer such a solution nor is it trivial to implement. With the hints I got in...
von pospiech | Dez. 7, 2008 | C++, Qt
Volker Wiendl has released a new Version of his VsQtAddin Visual Studio Plugin: Download (Version for VS 2005) In case you have a previous installed version uninstall it first, and make sure no component is remaining on the system. You may also run...
von pospiech | Juli 30, 2008 | Qt
The original documentation of Trolltech was not sufficient to get me compile the phonon.dll and phonon_ds94.dll under Windows XP. Therefore you find here a description of what I did to get it compile. I use Visual Studio 2005 and the corresponding nmake compiler. The...