von pospiech | Aug. 8, 2010 | C++, Qt
Note: this is only usefull if you are using msvc 2005. For 2008 the dlls come with the installation, and with 2010 Qt 4.6.x does not compile anyway. In previous posts I have already described problems and solutions for the compilation of Qt with phonon. Here is my...
von pospiech | Jan. 28, 2010 | Qt
There are many usefull Qt plugins, such as qwt, qextserialport, qxt and others. With a new major version of Qt, or a new version of a compiler I have to recompile the plugins to make sure everything is working well together. However many plugins are not compilable...
von pospiech | Jan. 21, 2010 | C++, Qt
I am trying to set up the Windows SDK environment for compilation of an other C++ project (Qt phonon library). However the script seems to be totally broken. It does not work and destroys the path variable. This is what the path looks like before anything is called:...
von pospiech | Okt. 29, 2009 | Gardening
All Chilis of this year [Zeige als Diashow] The total amount of chilies this year is rather low, and not all plants have grown successful, but we could try some really nice new kind of chilies. Agatha [Zeige als Diashow] This chili is not really hot (scale 4) and...
von pospiech | Aug. 2, 2009 | Gardening
Im Mai hat unser Brutblatt geblüht. Er war inzwischen (mit Topf) ca. 1,80 Meter hoch und konnte nur noch mit einer Stange und an die Wand gelehnt stehen. Leider wurde die Pflanze auch unglaublich häßlich. Die Blätter unten sind alle abgefallen, so...