von pospiech | Juni 5, 2018
The moon, stars and the galaxies. Moon image with exposure stacked photos von pospiech | Mrz 11, 2017 | Astro, photography I found this video from Tony Northrup that explains how to create a moon picture with highly increased details The basic idea is that with...
von pospiech | Mai 27, 2018
Zoo Hannover (April 2018) von pospiech | Dez 19, 2018 | animals, photography Zoo Hannover in April 2018. Shot with Nikon D5100 and Nikon 55-300 mm. The lens is super sharp, even at 300 mm. Shutter Speed was high enough 1/400 or faster. Wildpark bei Warstein im...
von pospiech | Mai 26, 2018
Hannover christmas city lights (12/2017) von pospiech | Dez 22, 2017 | Christmas, night, photography Another attempt to catch the christmas lights in Hannover. This time using an ND filter to get really large exposure times (minutes) while keeping the aperture at...
von pospiech | Mai 23, 2018
Berggarten Hannover (October 2018) von pospiech | Dez 18, 2018 | Flowers, photography Photos shot with Nikon D5100 and Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro lens in Berggarten Hannover in Oktober. Very few flowers were still in full blossom. Mainly aster and gras. Astern und...
von pospiech | Mai 23, 2018
Hannover Leuchtet (2018/11) von pospiech | Dez 17, 2018 | night, photography This photos were shot during the festival Hannover Leuchtet. I used my old Nikon D5100 and Kit Lens 18-105 mm since I do not have a remote trigger nor zoom lens for my new Sony A6300. Most...