Dateien entpacken

Dateien über die Kommandozeile ohne Kenntnis des zum Packformat zugehörigen Progamms entpacken #!/bin/sh while [ x”$1″ != x ]; do case “$1” in *.tar.gz | *.tgz ) tar -xzf “$1” shift ;; *.tar.bz2 | *.tbz ) tar -xjf...

csv Dateien nach LaTeX konvertieren

Das Skript convertiert csv Zeilen mit “;” als Trenner in LaTeX kompatible Tabellenzeilen csv2latextable.script if [ -z $1 ] then echo “No file to convert given to script – exit now” exit fi # for “;” seperation sed “s/;/...

Cd mounten

Mountet eine CD nach /mnt/isoCD #!/bin/sh mount -o loop -t iso9660 “$1” /mnt/isoCD

Installation of openSuse 10.2

Note: A similar description can be found at Pimp my Suse. [TOC] Installation The Installation worked mainly as usual. It only failed at writing grub into the MBR, which is absolutely unacceptable. I had to install an option for the boot loader in an older distribution...

Restore some configuration files

Sometimes I do not want to reuse my old $HOME/.kde folder completely or other hidden folders after I reinstalled the operating system. In this case I want to copy only selected folders and file to the new $HOME. This script does most of the necessary copy operations...