von pospiech | Aug 8, 2010 | C++, Qt
Note: this is only usefull if you are using msvc 2005. For 2008 the dlls come with the installation, and with 2010 Qt 4.6.x does not compile anyway. In previous posts I have already described problems and solutions for the compilation of Qt with phonon. Here is my...
von pospiech | Jan 28, 2010 | Qt
There are many usefull Qt plugins, such as qwt, qextserialport, qxt and others. With a new major version of Qt, or a new version of a compiler I have to recompile the plugins to make sure everything is working well together. However many plugins are not compilable...
von pospiech | Jan 3, 2009 | C++, Qt
QScienceSpinBox Since I started using Qt over a year ago I have been asking and looking for a Qt widget that can handle numbers in a scientific notation. Unfortunately Qt Software does not offer such a solution nor is it trivial to implement. With the hints I got in...
von pospiech | Dez 7, 2008 | C++, Qt
Volker Wiendl has released a new Version of his VsQtAddin Visual Studio Plugin: Download (Version for VS 2005) In case you have a previous installed version uninstall it first, and make sure no component is remaining on the system. You may also run...
von pospiech | Jul 30, 2008 | Qt
The original documentation of Trolltech was not sufficient to get me compile the phonon.dll and phonon_ds94.dll under Windows XP. Therefore you find here a description of what I did to get it compile. I use Visual Studio 2005 and the corresponding nmake compiler. The...