
\title{beamer examples}
\subtitle{created with beamer 3.x}
\author{Matthias Pospiech}
\institute{University of Hannover}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \section[Contents]{}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{frame}
% 	\frametitle{Contents}
% 	\tableofcontents[%
% 		currentsection, % causes all sections but the current to be shown in a semi-transparent way.
% % 		currentsubsection, % causes all subsections but the current subsection in the current section to ...
% % 		hideallsubsections, % causes all subsections to be hidden.
% 		hideothersubsections, % causes the subsections of sections other than the current one to be hidden.
% % 		part=, % part number causes the table of contents of part part number to be shown
% 		pausesections, % causes a \pause command to be issued before each section. This is useful if you
% % 		pausesubsections, %  causes a \pause command to be issued before each subsection.
% % 		sections={ overlay specification },
% 	]
% \end{frame}
% --------------------------------------------------- PART ---
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% 		currentsection, % causes all sections but the current to be shown in a semi-transparent way.
% 		currentsubsection, % causes all subsections but the current subsection in the current section to ...
% 		hideallsubsections, % causes all subsections to be hidden.
% 		hideothersubsections, % causes the subsections of sections other than the current one to be hidden.
% 		part=, % part number causes the table of contents of part part number to be shown
		pausesections, % causes a \pause command to be issued before each section. This is useful if you
% 		pausesubsections, %  causes a \pause command to be issued before each subsection.
% 		sections={ overlay specification },
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\section{Tutorial: Euclid's Presentation}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Creating a Simple Frame}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{What Are Prime Numbers?}
  A prime number is a number that has exactly two divisors.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \frametitle{What Are Prime Numbers?}
    A \alert{prime number} is a number that has exactly two divisors
    \item 2 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 2).
    \item 3 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 3).
    \item 4 is not prime (\alert{three} divisors: 1, 2, and 4).
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Creating Simple Overlays}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{What Are Prime Numbers?}
    A \alert{prime number} is a number that has exactly two divisors
			\item 2 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 2).
			\item 3 is prime (two divisors: 1 and 3).
			\item 4 is not prime (\alert{three} divisors: 1, 2, and 4).
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \frametitle{There Is No Largest Prime Number}
  \framesubtitle{The proof uses \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}
    There is no largest prime number.
    \item<1-> Suppose $p$ were the largest prime number.
    \item<2-> Let $q$ be the product of the first $p$ numbers.
    \item<3-> Then $q + 1$ is not divisible by any of them.
    \item<1-> Thus $q + 1$ is also prime and greater than $p$.\qedhere
  \uncover<4->{The proof used \textit{reductio ad absurdum}.}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Structuring a Frame}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\newtheorem{answeredquestions}[theorem]{Answered Questions}
\newtheorem{openquestions}[theorem]{Open Questions}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{What's Still To Do?}
  \begin{block}{Answered Questions}
    How many primes are there?
  \begin{block}{Open Questions}
    Is every even number the sum of two primes?
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \frametitle{What's Still To Do?}
  \item Answered Questions
    \item How many primes are there?
  \item Open Questions
    \item Is every even number the sum of two primes?
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \frametitle{What's Still To Do?}
      \begin{block}{Answered Questions}
        How many primes are there?
      \begin{block}{Open Questions}
        Is every even number the sum of two primes?
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Verbatim Text}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{An Algorithm For Finding Primes Numbers.}
int main (void)
  std::vector<bool> is_prime (100, true);
  for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)
    if (is_prime[i])
        std::cout << i << " ";
        for (int j = i; j < 100;
            is_prime [j] = false, j+=i);
  return 0;
%  \begin{uncoverenv}<2>
%     Note the use of \verb|std::|.
%  \end{uncoverenv}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \frametitle{An Algorithm For Finding Primes Numbers.}
\uncover<1->{\alert<0>{int main (void)}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<1>{ \alert<4>{std::}vector<bool> is_prime (100, true);}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<1>{ for (int i = 2; i < 100; i++)}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<2>{    if (is_prime[i])}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<0>{      \{}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{        \alert<4>{std::}cout << i << " ";}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{        for (int j = i; j < 100;}}
\uncover<3->{\alert<3>{             is_prime [j] = false, j+=i);}}
\uncover<2->{\alert<0>{      \}}}
\uncover<1->{\alert<0>{ return 0;}}
  \visible<4->{Note the use of \alert{\texttt{std::}}.}
% --------------------------------------------------- PART ---
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% 		currentsection, % causes all sections but the current to be shown in a semi-transparent way.
% 		currentsubsection, % causes all subsections but the current subsection in the current section to ...
% 		hideallsubsections, % causes all subsections to be hidden.
% 		hideothersubsections, % causes the subsections of sections other than the current one to be hidden.
% 		part=, % part number causes the table of contents of part part number to be shown
		pausesections, % causes a \pause command to be issued before each section. This is useful if you
% 		pausesubsections, %  causes a \pause command to be issued before each subsection.
% 		sections={ overlay specification },
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\section{How To Uncover Things Piecewise}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Uncovering an Enumeration Piecewise}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\item<1-> First point.
\item<2-> Second point.
\item<3-> Third point.
\item First point.
\item Second point.
\item Third point.
\item First point.
\item<.-> Second point.
\item Third point.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Hilighting the Current Item in an Enumeration}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\item<1-| alert@1> First point.
\item<2-| alert@2> Second point.
\item<3-| alert@3> Third point.
\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
\item First point.
\item Second point.
\item Third point.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Changing Symbol Before an Enumeration}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \setbeamertemplate{itemize item}{code for showing a ballot}%
  \setbeamertemplate{itemize subitem}{code for showing a smaller ballot}%
  \setbeamertemplate{itemize subsubitem}{code for showing a smaller ballot}}}
\item<1-| ballot@1> First point.
\item<2-| ballot@2> Second point.
\item<3-| ballot@3> Third point.
\begin{itemize}[<+-| ballot@+>]
\item First point.
\item Second point.
\item Third point.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
In the following example, more and more items become "checked" from slide to slide:
\begin{itemize}[<ballot@+-| visible@1-,+(1)>]
\item First point.
\item Second point.
\item Third point.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Uncovering Piecewise}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
Uncovering Tagged Formulas Piecewise
  A &= B \\
    \uncover<2->{&= C \\}
    \uncover<3->{&= D \\}
Uncovering a Table Rowwise \newline
  Class & A & B & C & D \\\hline
  X     & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \pause\\
  Y     & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \pause\\
  Z     &5&6&7&8
Uncovering a Table Columnwise \newline
  Class & A & B & C & D \\
  X     & 1 & 2 & 3 & 4 \\
  Y     & 3 & 4 & 5 & 6 \\
  Z     &5&6&7&8
% --------------------------------------------------- PART ---
\part{Building a Presentation}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
%   	currentsection, % causes all sections but the current to be shown in a semi-transparent way.
% 		currentsubsection, % causes all subsections but the current subsection in the current section to ...
 		hideallsubsections, % causes all subsections to be hidden.
% 		hideothersubsections, % causes the subsections of sections other than the current one to be hidden.
% 		part=, % part number causes the table of contents of part part number to be shown
		pausesections, % causes a \pause command to be issued before each section. This is useful if you
% 		pausesubsections, %  causes a \pause command to be issued before each subsection.
% 		sections={ overlay specification },
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\section{Creating Overlays}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{The Pause Commands}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
    Shown from first slide on.
    Shown from second slide on.
      Shown from second slide on.
      Shown from third slide on.
    Shown from third slide on.
    Shown from fourth slide on.
  Shown from fourth slide on.
    Shown from first slide on.
    Shown from fifth slide on.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Commands with Overlay Specifications}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \textbf{This line is bold on all three slides.}
  \textbf<2>{This line is bold only on the second slide.}
  \textbf<3>{This line is bold only on the third slide.}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \only<1>{This line is inserted only on slide 1.}
  \only<2>{This line is inserted only on slide 2.}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  Shown on first slide.
  Shown on second and third slide.
    Still shown on the second and third slide.
    Shown from slide 4 on.
  Shown from slide 4 on.
  Shown on all slides.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \onslide<1>{Same effect as the following command.}
  \uncover<1>{Same effect as the previous command.}
  \onslide+<2>{Same effect as the following command.}
  \visible<2>{Same effect as the previous command.}
  \onslide*<3>{Same effect as the following command.}
  \only<3>{Same effect as the previous command.}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\temporal<3-4>{Shown on 1, 2}{Shown on 3, 4}{Shown 5, 6, 7, ...}
\temporal<3,5>{Shown on 1, 2, 4}{Shown on 3, 5}{Shown 6, 7, 8, ...}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
    \colorize<1> \item First item.
    \colorize<2> \item Second item.
    \colorize<3> \item Third item.
    \colorize<4> \item Fourth item.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \item<3-| alert@3>[0.] A zeroth point, shown at the very end.
  \item<1-| alert@1> The first and main point.
  \item<2-| alert@2> The second point.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Environments with Overlay Specifications}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{A Theorem on Infinite Sets}
    There exists an infinite set.
    This follows from the axiom of infinity.
    The set of natural numbers is infinite.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  This line is always shown.
    This line is inserted on slide 2.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  is in round brackets on slide 2 and in square brackets on slide 1.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Dynamically Changing Text or Images}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  		\only<1>{Some text for the first slide.\\ Possibly several lines long.}
  		\only<2>{Replacement on the second slide.}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  		\onslide<1| handout:1>
    		Some text for the first slide.\\
    		Possibly several lines long.
  		\onslide<2| handout:0>
    		Replacement on the second slide. Supressed for handout.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Advanced Overlay Specifications}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \begin{actionenv}<1-| alert@3-4,6>
    This text is shown the same way as the text below.
      This text is shown the same way as the text above.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
		\item<+-> Apple
		\item<+-> Peach
		\item<+-> Plum
		\item<+-> Orange
	\begin{itemize}[<+-| alert@+>]
		\item Apple
		\item Peach
		\item Plum
		\item Orange
		\item This is \alert<.>{important}.
		\item We want to \alert<.>{highlight} this and \alert<.>{this}.
		\item What is the \alert<.>{matrix}?
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \section{Adding Parts}
% % ------------------------------------------------------------
% \frame{\titlepage}
% \section*{Outlines}
% \subsection{Part I: Review of Previous Lecture}
% \frame{
%   \frametitle{Outline of Part I}
%   \tableofcontents[part=1]}
% \subsection{Part II: Today's Lecture}
% \frame{
%   \frametitle{Outline of Part II}
%   \tableofcontents[part=2]}
% \part{Review of Previous Lecture}
% \frame{\partpage}
% \section[Previous Lecture]{Summary of the Previous Lecture}
% \subsection{Topics}
% \frame{...}
% \subsection{Learning Objectives}
% \frame{...}
% \part{Today's Lecture}
% \frame{\partpage}
% \section{Topic A}
% \frame{\tableofcontents[currentsection]}
% \subsection{Foo}
% \frame{...}
% \section{Topic B}
% \frame{\tableofcontents[currentsection]}
% \subsection{bar}
% \frame{...}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\section{Structuring a Presentation: The Interactive Global Structure}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Adding Hyperlinks and Buttons}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \item<1-> First item.
  \item<2-> Second item.
  \item<3-> Third item.
  \hyperlink{jumptosecond}{\beamergotobutton{Jump to second slide}}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  \item<1-> First item.
  \item<2-> Second item.
  \item<3-> Third item.
  \hyperlink{threeitems<2>}{\beamergotobutton{Jump to second slide}}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
    \hfill\hyperlinkframestartnext{\beamerskipbutton{Skip proof}}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \frame<1>[label=mytheorem]
% {
%   \begin{theorem}
%     ...
%   \end{theorem}
%   \begin{overprint}
%   \onslide<1>
%     \hfill\hyperlink{mytheorem<2>}{\beamergotobutton{Go to proof details}}
%   \onslide<2>
%     \begin{proof}
%       ...
%     \end{proof}
%     \hfill\hyperlink{mytheorem<1>}{\beamerreturnbutton{Return}}
%   \end{overprint}
% }
% \appendix
% \againframe<2>{mytheorem}
% % --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \subsection{Repeating a Frame at a Later Point}
% % ------------------------------------------------------------
% \frame<1-2>[label=myframe]
% {
%   \begin{itemize}
%   \item<alert@1> First subject.
%   \item<alert@2> Second subject.
%   \item<alert@3> Third subject.
%   \end{itemize}
% }
% \frame
% {
%   Some stuff explaining more on the second matter.
% }
% \againframe<3>{myframe}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \subsection{Adding Anticipated Zooming}
% % ------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{frame}<1>[label=zooms]
%   \frametitle<1>{A Complicated Picture}
%   \framezoom<1><2>[border](0cm,0cm)(2cm,1.5cm)
%   \framezoom<1><3>[border](1cm,3cm)(2cm,1.5cm)
%   \framezoom<1><4>[border](3cm,2cm)(3cm,2cm)
%   \pgfimage[height=8cm]{complicatedimagefilename}
% \end{frame}
% \againframe<2->[plain]{zooms}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\section{Structuring a Presentation: The Local Structure}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Itemizations, Enumerations, and Descriptions}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  There are three important points:
  \item<1-> A first one,
  \item<2-> a second one with a bunch of subpoints,
    \item first subpoint. (Only shown from second slide on!).
    \item<3-> second subpoint added on third slide.
    \item<4-> third subpoint added on fourth slide.
  \item<5-> and a third one.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\item This is shown from the first slide on.
\item This is shown from the second slide on.
\item This is shown from the third slide on.
\item<1-> This is shown from the first slide on.
\item This is shown from the fourth slide on.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\begin{description}[<+->][longest label]
\item[short] Some text.
\item[longest label] Some text.
\item[long label] Some text.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Block Environments}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  		A \alert{set} consists of elements.
	\begin{alertblock}{Wrong Theorem}
  		The set $\{1,2,3,5\}$ has four elements.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Theorem Environments}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \frametitle{A Theorem on Infinite Sets}
    There exists an infinite set.
    This follows from the axiom of infinity.
  \begin{example}<3->[Natural Numbers]
    The set of natural numbers is infinite.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Framed and Boxed Text}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
	\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=2.5ex,dp=1ex,center]{title in head/foot}
  		\usebeamerfont{title in head/foot}
	\begin{beamercolorbox}[ht=2.5ex,dp=1ex,center]{author in head/foot}
  		\usebeamerfont{author in head/foot}
	Typesetting a postit:\newline
  		Place me somewhere!
	\begin{beamerboxesrounded}[upper=block head,lower=block body,shadow=true]{Theorem}
  		$A = B$.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Splitting a Frame into Multiple Columns}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
    		One line (but aligned).
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\section{Animations, Sounds, and Slide Transitions}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\subsection{Animations Created by Showing Slides in Rapid Succession}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
% \begin{frame}
%   \frametitle{A Five Slide Animation}
%   \animate<2-4>
%   ... code for creating an animation with five slides ...
% \end{frame}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
  anomations only work in full screen mode in Acrobat Reader !
    \frametitle{Fadeout Frame}
    This text (and all other frame content) will fade out when the
    second slide is shown. This even works with
    {\color{green!90!black}colored} \alert{text}.
  \frametitle{Flying Theorems (You Really Shouldn't!)}
        This theorem flies out.
        This theorem flies in.
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\subsection{Slide Transitions}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
	Slide Transitions only work in full screen mode in Acrobat Reader !
  \begin{example}<1,6,11>[examples for Slide Transitions]{This line is shown on each slide of slide transitions}\end{example}
  \begin{example}<2,7,12>[examples for Slide Transitions]{This line is shown on each slide of slide transitions}\end{example}
  \begin{example}<3,8>[examples for Slide Transitions]{This line is shown on each slide of slide transitions}\end{example}
  \begin{example}<4,9>[examples for Slide Transitions]{This line is shown on each slide of slide transitions}\end{example}
  \begin{example}<5,10>[examples for Slide Transitions]{This line is shown on each slide of slide transitions}\end{example}
% --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
\section{Adding Notes}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
  \item<1-> Eggs
  \item<2-> Plants
    \note[item]<2>{Tell joke about plants.}
    \note[item]<2>{Make it short.}
  \item<3-> Animals
% % --------------------------------------------------- Slide --
% \begin{frame}
% \end{frame}
% ------------------------------------------------------------
\bibitem{Goldbach1742}[Goldbach, 1742]
  Christian Goldbach.
  \newblock A problem we should try to solve before the ISPN '43 deadline,
  \newblock \emph{Letter to Leonhard Euler}, 1742.