
Font Themes

% *****************************************
% >>>> 17.1 Font Themes
% *****************************************
% \usefonttheme{default}
% The default font theme installs a sans serif font for all text of the presentation. The default theme
% installs different font sizes for things like titles or head- and footlines, but does not use boldface or
% italics for 'hilighting.' To change some or all text to a serif font, use the serif theme.
% -------------------------------
% \usefonttheme{professionalfonts}
% This font theme does not really change any fonts. Rather, it suppresses certain internal replacements
% performed by beamer. If you use 'professional fonts' (fonts that you buy and that come with a
% complete set of every symbol in all modes), you do not want beamer to meddle with the fonts you use.
% -------------------------------
% \usefonttheme[%
% % 	stillsansserifmath, % mathematical text typeset using sans serif.
% % 	stillsansserifsmall, % will cause 'small' text to be still typeset using sans serif. This refers to
%  								% the text in the headline, footline, and sidebars. Using this options is often
%  								% advisable since small  text is often easier to read in sans serif.
% % 	stillsansseriflarge, %  Titel still   typeset using sans serif
% %  	onlymath, % typset math in serif but nothing else
% ]{serif}
% -------------------------------
% \usefonttheme[%
% % 	onlysmall, % headline, footline, and sidebars is changed
% % 	onlylarge, % main title, frame titles, and section
% ]{structurebold}
% -------------------------------
% \usefonttheme[%
% % 	onlysmall, % headline, footline, and sidebars is changed
% % 	onlylarge, % main title, frame titles, and section
% ]{structureitalicserif}
% -------------------------------
% \usefonttheme[%
% % 	onlysmall, % headline, footline, and sidebars is changed
% % 	onlylarge, % main title, frame titles, and section
% ]{structuresmallcapsserif}

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Verändern der Schrifteinstellung definierter Elemente

% *****************************************
% >>>> Veraendern der Schrifteinstellung definierter Elemente
% *****************************************
% Beispiele
% \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{size=\large}
% \setbeamerfont{frametitle}{series=\bfseries}
% weitere Befehle
% size= size command sets the size attribute of the beamerfont.
% size*={ size in pt }{ baselineskip }
% shape= (\itshape, \slshape, \scshape, or \upshape)
% series= (command like \bfseries.)
% family= (command like \rmfamily or \sffamily).
% family*={ family name } (For example, the family name for Times happens to be ptm. )
% parent={ parent list } specifies a list of parent fonts.
% Example for parent
% \setbeamerfont{parent A}{size=\large}
% \setbeamerfont{parent B}{series=\bfseries}
% \setbeamerfont{child}{parent={parent A, parent B},size=\small}
% \usebeamerfont{child}
% This text is small and bold.

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