A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately


If you are using an older version of the template and want to upgrade to this newer version you should do the following steps. Note that this deletes/ovrwrites your style and package modifications.

  • Backup your folder in case anything goes wrong or gets lost.
  • Delete everything in your folder except the /content/, the /bib/ folder and all folders and files that you created on your own including your main .tex file
  • Copy the new files into your folder. Take care that in the folder /content/ only files from the template, but none of you files gets overwritten
  • Compare the file LaTeXTemplate.tex with your main tex file and merge the changes done in the template file.
  • Test if everything compiles


The version is tested against a recent TeX Live 2016 (Version of January 2016). The updates contains the following changes:

  • The template failed to compile with TeX Live 2015. Package pageslts requires atveryend to be loaded before etoolbox.
  • Removed package fixltx2e
  • Minor changes in documentation