A major update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released.
This release is based on LuaLaTeX instead of pdflatex.
latexthesistemplate-2023-12-10.zip (2,3 MiB)
The documentation can be downloaded separately
TemplateDocumentation-V3.3.0.pdf (2,1 MiB)
The version is tested against a recent TeX Live 2023 (Version of december 2023).
The updates contains the following changes:
- removed package fix-cm. It cannot be used together with luatex.
- removed all package for no room for new write. With lualatex the previous fixes are not needed anymore.
- removed all packages for encoding.
- Changed the order of packages loading and fonts. Previously the fonts were loaded first.
However, with lualatex packages for fonts must be loaded before the actual fonts.
Therefore, the fonts configuration is loaded at the end. - removed the code for fontenc, textcomp and added code for fontspec.
- removed all font loading classes such as lmodern and replaced the code by font loading commands.
- removed package fixmath
- added package unicode-math
- removed package tabu.
- added packages tabularray and tcolorbox
- removed package tocstyle and added code to
to replace tocstyle.