memory measurement
I disabled all plugins and then activated them one by one. In between I measured the memory usage that php reports and calculated the difference. This may not be really accurate, but I only want to be precise up to 0.1 MB.
memory monsters (1.0 – 10 MB)
- Events Calendar (3.4 MB)
- WP Security Scan (2.8 MB)
- All in One SEO Pack (2.3 MB)
- NextGEN Gallery (2.1 MB)
- WP-SpamFree (1.4 MB)
- Simple Tags (1.1 MB
- WordPress Download Monitor (1.1 MB)
- Popular Posts (1.0 MB)
- Subscribe2 (1.0 MB)
- Advertising Manager (1.0 MB)
little memory monsters (0.4 – 1.0 MB)
- Contact Form 7 (0.8 MB)
- WP-Syntax (0.78 MB)
- Redirection (0.76 MB)
- WP-Print (0.69 MB)
- Adminimize (0.68 MB)
- StatPress (0.61 MB)
- Breadcrumb NavXT (0.6 Mb)
- NextGEN FlashViewer (0.53 Mb)
- Yet Another Related Posts Plugin (0.48 MB)
- One Click Plugin Updater (0.43 MB)
- WP Super Cache (0.41 MB)
Note that this was tested on my lokal 32bit machine. On my webserver the total memory used increased from 40 MB to 54 MB for the same configuration.