von pospiech | Dez 20, 2013 | Christmas, photography, Private
These are picture from our christmas tree. [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Okt 13, 2013 | Flowers, photography
These are picture from the autumn flower Dahlia taken from in the living room. I basically wanted to play with the aperture depended blur effect. [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Okt 3, 2013 | Gardening
These are the Chilis of 2013. In contrast to previous years I grew only three types and placed them on the balcony. The plants grew 60-70 cm tall and needed to be tied to sticks after the chilis grew to prevent them from falling down. The red ones are hardly hot, but...
von pospiech | Aug 18, 2013 | night, photography, Private
These images were taken at night at the Maschseefest in Hannover. The view is towards the north side of the sea. Originally the idea was to create HDR images. However I arrived too late, so that the acquisition times were in the range of several seconds. This meant...
von pospiech | Jul 28, 2013 | Flowers, photography, Private
Here some flowers taken in the Hill Garden, a botanical garden belonging to the gardens of Herrenhausen: [Zeige als...