von pospiech | Aug. 3, 2018 | night, photography
Illumination in the Herrenhäuser Gärten (see here). The photos were taken with the Nikon D5100 and Kit 18-105 lens using a tripod. The exposure times were between a few and 25...
von pospiech | Apr. 21, 2018 | Flowers, Gardening, photography
Appeltree blossum in my...
von pospiech | Apr. 3, 2018 | animals, photography
Visit to the park in the Bilstein...
von pospiech | Feb. 4, 2018 | animals, photography
Butterflies in Berggarten Hannover. This was a special in spring 2018: Schmetterlinge im...
von pospiech | Dez. 22, 2017 | Christmas, night, photography
Another attempt to catch the christmas lights in Hannover. This time using an ND filter to get really large exposure times (minutes) while keeping the aperture at normal values (8, 11, 16). People on the streets are thus blurred out...