von pospiech | Feb. 4, 2018 | animals, photography
Butterflies in Berggarten Hannover. This was a special in spring 2018: Schmetterlinge im...
von pospiech | Juni 14, 2017 | animals, photography
Shooting of a flight of an owl at Zoo Stralsund. These birds fly fast and super silent. The problem for the camera (Nikon D5100) is that the shutter speed must be fast (1/1000s), the ISO high enough (ISO 400-800), and the autofocus must be very fast. Focussing is set...
von pospiech | Mai 27, 2017 | animals, photography
Frogs in a small lake at Wisentgehege in...
von pospiech | März 26, 2017 | animals, photography
Butterflies at Steinhude:...
von pospiech | Jan. 17, 2015 | animals, photography