von pospiech | März 18, 2014 | Flowers, photography
These are picture from the the crocus bloom (Krokusblüte) in Husum. The white flowers are Märzglöckchen [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Okt. 13, 2013 | Flowers, photography
These are picture from the autumn flower Dahlia taken from in the living room. I basically wanted to play with the aperture depended blur effect. [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Juli 28, 2013 | Flowers, photography, Private
Here some flowers taken in the Hill Garden, a botanical garden belonging to the gardens of Herrenhausen: [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Mai 19, 2013 | Flowers, photography, Private
These images were taken in May in the Bergarten of Hannover Herrenhausen, which is full of Rhododendron flowers at that time. [Zeige als...
von pospiech | Mai 1, 2013 | Flowers, photography
Tulips in the living room. The pictures might look like painted, but they were actually looking like...