von pospiech | Mrz 26, 2017 | animals, photography
Butterflies at Steinhude:...
von pospiech | Mrz 24, 2017 | Flowers, photography
AppeltreeAppeltree Zurück 1von2...
von pospiech | Mrz 11, 2017 | Astro, photography
I found this video from Tony Northrup that explains how to create a moon picture with highly increased details The basic idea is that with exposure stacking the noise decreases. You can also view this as an algorithmic ISO decrease technique. The images I took were...
von pospiech | Jan 22, 2017 | Flowers, photography
Close shots of Cacti neadles in Berggarten...
von pospiech | Jul 17, 2016 | Flowers, Gardening, photography
Photos shot with Nikon D5100 and Sigma 105mm f/2.8 macro lens in my garden. EchinaceaEchinaceaSalvia nemorosaroseRose Global Water (Rosen...
von pospiech | Apr 3, 2016 | Flowers, photography
Spring in Bergarten...