HDR image of the town hall in Hannover

My first attempt with HDR image with the New Town Hall in Hanover at about 23:00. The exposure times, however, were so long (5, 10, 20 seconds) that the leaves are all washed out in the wind and cause ghosting in the resulting image. The second image shows a normal...

LaTeX Thesis Template released

A few days ago I released a beta Version of my LaTeX-Thesis-Template on code.google.com. This Version is complete and tested with TeX Live 2013 on Windows 7, 64 bit. However since it has been completely rewritten and only been tested by myself (using my phd-thesis)...


Tulips in the living room. The pictures might look like painted, but they were actually looking like...

waitbar with cancel button

The following code is an example for a loop function with a waitbar that allows canceling of the loop with the cancel button: Note however that a waitbar consumes very much time. Depending on the code this can slow down the calculation significantly. if numel(indices)...