Weihnachtslichter in Hannover (2023/12)

Weihnachtslichter in Hannover (2023/12)

Fotos vom Weihnachtsmarkt am Hauptbahnhof, dem Riesenrad von Roncalli, dem Stand am Kröpke und den Lichtern am Himmel. Am 13.12.2023 nach einem Regenschauer. Am 28.12.2023 mit einer Gruppe von anderen Fotographen auf einer Foto Tour. [foogallery...

New Latex Template based on LuaLatex

The LaTeX Thesis Template will be released soon with a new updated version with a new code using LuaLaTeX. It was already available when my first LaTeX Template was released in 2013. Since that time, a lot has happened in LaTeX and the LuaLaTeX engine so that in 2022...

Urlaub im Pitztal (Tirol in Österreich) (07/2022)

Urlaub im Pitztal (Tirol in Österreich) (07/2022)

Hotel Stefan Sailer Wir waren für 7 Tage im Pitztal in Tirol (Österreich) im Hotel Stefan Sailer. Das Hotel haben wir ausgesucht, weil wir von dort viele Interessante Orte im Pitztal und Umgebung ansteuern konnten. Es handelt sich dabei um eine Familotel mit den...

Rinderbraten Sous-Vide garen

Rinderbraten Sous-Vide garen

Rinderschmorbraten wird klassisch im Ofen zubereitet. Rezepte dieser Art starten mit dem scharfen Anbraten und dem nachfolgenden schmoren bei 160°C für 2,5h. Das Fleisch ist dabei zu 3/4 mit Soße bedeckt. Danach ist das Fleisch fertig  und es muss nur noch aus der...

Zoo Duisburg (12/2020)

Zoo Duisburg (12/2020)

Bilder aus dem Zoo in Duisburg. Interessanterweise waren wir dort gleichzeitig mit einem Fotokurs von einem bekannten Profifotografen (aus Hannover). Deren Teilnehmer haben fast alle dieselben Motive aufgenommen wie ich.

Herrenhausen Illumination (August 2019)

Herrenhausen Illumination (August 2019)

Photos shot with Sony A6300 and Sony 18-135 zoom-lens in Hannover Herrenhäuser Gärten end of August from 21:00 to 22:00 (9-10 pm). It was already very dark and beyond the blue hour when the illumination started. Therefore the images are with stars in the sky and the...

Tulips in Berggarten Hannover (April 2019)

Tulips in Berggarten Hannover (April 2019)

Photos shot with Sony A6300 and Sony 18-135 zoom-lens in Berggarten Hannover in April. This lens is not a macro lens and has no fast aperture. Thus the bokeh is a bit too harsh and the background not blurred out. Still with maximum focal length and closest distance...

Wisentgehege Springe (April 2019)

Wisentgehege Springe (April 2019)

Wisentgehege Springe in April 2019. Shot with Sony A6300 and 18-135 mm. First time I used the lens. All shots were done with maximum focal length. The shutter speed for the birds in the falconary show was 1/2000s with ISO 1000-2000. Theses photos are thus with high...

Quiche Rezepte (Links)

Quiche Rezepte (Links)

Kürbis Ricotta Quiche Kürbis Ricotta Quiche (lecker.de) Anmerkungen: Wir lassen das Lachstatar grundsätzlich weg. Wir verwenden immer Hokkaido Kürbis. Muskatkürbis haben wir noch nicht probiert. Den Kürbis im Ofen 20 min garen. Nicht länger, sonst wird der Kürbis zu...

Hannover Leuchtet (2018/11)

Hannover Leuchtet (2018/11)

This photos were shot during the festival Hannover Leuchtet. I used my old Nikon D5100 and Kit Lens 18-105 mm since I do not have a remote trigger nor zoom lens for my new Sony A6300. Most photos were created by using the photo stacking technique to reduce noise and...



Quiche Boden Quiche Boden aus Mürbeteig 250 g Mehl125 g Butter (kalt)1 Ei1 TL Salz Mehl, Salz, Butter in Stücken, 1-2 EL Wasser und ein Ei zunächst mit dem Knethaken eines Handrührers verrühren, danach mit den Händen zu einem glatten Teig verkneten. Der Teig muss eine...



Pfannkuchen 250 g Weizenmehl4 Eier1 EL Zucker1 Pr. Salz500 ml Milch Eier mit Zucker, Salz und Milch mit einem Schneebesen schaumig schlagen.Dann das Mehl stückchenweise hinzufügen und immer darauf achten das keine Klumpen entstehen. Den Teig bei Zimmertemperatur 20-30...

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.5 released

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.5 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately Changes The version is tested against a recent TeX Live 2018 (Version of September 2018). The updates contains the...

Kiesbeet anlegen

Kiesbeet anlegen

Wir haben bei uns im hinteren Teil des Gartens den Rasen durch ein Kiesbeet ersetzt. Grund ist, dass der Rasen dort im Schatten lag und die Fläche als Gehweg benutzt wurde. Das hat dazu geführt, dass der Rasen eingegangen ist und ein harter oder bei Regen schlammiger...

Moon image with exposure stacked photos

Moon image with exposure stacked photos

I found this video from Tony Northrup that explains how to create a moon picture with highly increased details The basic idea is that with exposure stacking the noise decreases. You can also view this as an algorithmic ISO decrease technique. The images I took were...

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.4 released

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.4 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately Upgrade If you are using an older version of the template and want to upgrade to this newer version you should do the...

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.3 released

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.3 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately Upgrade If you are using an older version of the template and want to upgrade to this newer version you should do the...

Hannover bei Nacht

Hannover bei Nacht

First trials of night photography in Hannover. The occasion was the photo seminar "Hannover bei Nacht: Architektur- und Stadtfotografie" organised by Foto Haas in Hannover. All shots were taken with ISO 100 and a tripod. The aperture was set such that high exposure...

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.2 released

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.2 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately Upgrade If you are using an older version of the template and want to upgrade to this newer version you should do the...

Bird at high altitude

Bird at high altitude

This flying bird was photographed while flying at a high altitude near the town Brilon. The photos were taken with the 55-300 mm lens from Nikon at 300 mm. The photos need to be cropped by a factor of 20.

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.1 released

LaTeX Thesis Template 3.2.1 released

A minor update of the LaTeX Thesis Template has been released. The documentation can be downloaded separately The version is tested against a recent TeX Live 2013 (Version of January 2014). The updates contains mainly the...



These are picture from the autumn flower Dahlia taken from in the living room. I basically wanted to play with the aperture depended blur effect.

Chilis 2013

Chilis 2013

These are the Chilis of 2013. In contrast to previous years I grew only three types and placed them on the balcony. The plants grew 60-70 cm tall and needed to be tied to sticks after the chilis grew to prevent them from falling down. The red ones are hardly hot, but...

Maschseefest 2013

Maschseefest 2013

These images were taken at night at the Maschseefest in Hannover. The view is towards the north side of the sea. Originally the idea was to create HDR images. However I arrived too late, so that the acquisition times were in the range of several seconds. This meant...